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Thinking of you

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Thinking of you

Thinking of you


Thinking of you

Thinking of you




Elder abuse survey

Bona fide health sources

Get flu-shot with Covid

Elder abuse survey

Bona fide health sources

Get flu-shot with Covid

Despite HKCT being a single service provider, we know of, learn about, train in, and read endless updates on topics to do with our broader community, the aged and aged care services. I was so saddened to read a National Elder Abuse Prevalence Study, surveying 7,000 people (aged 65+ i.e. people like you) regarding experience of elder abuse.

One in six older Australians (14.8%) reported abuse in the twelve months prior to being surveyed; others reported psychological abuse (11.7%), neglect (2.9%), financial abuse (2.1%), physical abuse (1.8%) and sexual abuse (1%). Often it was by family members but also by friends.

If you (or someone that you know) are suffering financially, psychologically, or from abuse of any nature, call the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) on 1800 700 600 for advice or help (it will be strictly confidential). I hope we always make the choice to stand up for ourselves, ask for help and never ever let embarrassment stop us. Nor ever think that we have any reason to be ashamed.

Health officials are reminding us that annual influenza vaccination is essential for all. And your flu vaccination doesn’t need to only be annual!  Another shot, 6 months after your first, is being encouraged as more and more of us are travelling and overseas.  Speak to your GP or pharmacy and book for your 2nd or semi-annual flu shot now – and then book us for transport.

COVID-19 is still spreading throughout our community.

Some of us have even had a 5th booster, as believers of bona fide medical sources such as ATAGI and Dr Norman Swan.  We are continuing to C-19 clean our vehicles and will always follow NSW Public Health Orders and Commonwealth mandates and guidelines for the aged care sector.  We thank you for remaining vigilant, practicing strong hygiene, and not going out if you are feeling unwell for any reason.  It is our joint responsibility to do everything for ourselves and others while we live our lives fully.

Helen Crouch
General Manager

Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Community Transport welcomes feedback and compliments

Any concern will be investigated confidentially as we work on resolving it.


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Buses + drivers

Our clean, modern fleet and expert drivers are available for your special hire.

Toyota Coaster buses only

18- and 20-seaters

Toyota Coaster buses with hoist

Seats 17 or 13 if one passenger is in a wheelchair

Toyota Hiace van with hoist

Seats 8 or 4 if one passenger is in a wheelchair


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