Vegetarian or venison,
you’ll love our outings
Vegetarian or
venison, you’ll
love our outings
Vegetarian or venison,
you’ll love our outings
Vegetarian or
venison, you’ll
love our outings
Vegetarian or venison,
you’ll love our outings
Vegetarian or
venison, you’ll
love our outings
Vegetarian or venison,
you’ll love our outings
Vegetarian or
venison, you’ll
love our outings
Our Food-for-Thought title this month…is it because I am penning this to you on Valentine’s Day or because I am determined to do everything I can to make our corners of the world more mindful of the mystical powers we each hold: to be more generous and forgiving to others and ourselves.
Being magnanimous makes a great present, especially the small and almost insignificant type: a smile from a stranger in the supermarket aisle, a wave from a driver you’ve let into your lane. I’ve a drink coaster that says “a true friend reaches for your hand…and puts a big gin in it” which really means hears you, feels for you and happy to just sit or be with you. I’ve a friend who, more than once, has heard me mention a home task and within a few days rings to tell me they could come over next weekend and help. So, how can you be more kind or mindful?
I am working hard to be positive about the aged care reforms being introduced from 1st July. There’s a new Aged Care Act ratified by our federal government, for all Australians, that rightly protects the recipients of aged services. New standards, rights, access—fantastic! A great outcome after the Royal Commission into Aged Care.
Designing reforms to the system have been underway for the past two years (as mentioned many times in our newsletters) but I have doubts they will be fit for purpose. As the government is more likely to listen to your concerns than HKCT as a service provider, please, keep informed of and involved with the changes happening. Especially if you access our Community Transport services on a Home Care Package, contact your HCP-provider and ask about the many imminent changes.
Back to being magnanimous! March means Seniors Festival month and what a wonderful array of opportunities are open to you. And yes, to get there and back simply book an individual transport with HKCT!
In our outing offerings, we’ve got 20 tickets to take you to the Premier’s Gala Concert on Wednesday 12th, to visit the Seniors Expo or have lunch and then the Concert. If you miss out on the lucky draw, please consider attending the Ku-ring-gai Council’s Everything for Seniors Day and stay on, have a snack lunch, and watch a live screening of the concert with others.
So many opportunities to be involved, interested, kind and motivated!
Costs shown are for CHSP-eligible customers only.
Thank you for understanding that prepayment of outings is preferred and appreciated by your HKCT team. It greatly assists our drivers and office team.
Charges apply to outings with luncheons or entries pre-arranged and included in your price. Reservation deadlines dictate our prepayments so, should you cancel within 3 working days of an outing (or contrary to a venue’s rules), please understand when we advise you of the non-refundable portion of your prepayment.
Our intended outings, destinations and venues are subject to NSW Health’s restrictions.